images: update proto

This commit is contained in:
Tigor Hutasuhut 2024-08-19 21:16:22 +07:00
parent dcbcbddcea
commit 39c0ef1bd9
3 changed files with 95 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ run-web: generate-web
cd web && npm run dev
generate-go: migrate
rm -rf go/gen/*
ogen -target go/gen/reddit -package reddit -clean schemas/openapi/reddit.yaml
jet -source=sqlite -dsn="./go/data.db" -path="./go/gen/jet"
@rm -rf go/gen/*
ogen -target go/gen/reddit -package reddit -clean schemas/openapi/reddit.yaml 2>&1 | grep -v INFO
jet -source=sqlite -dsn="./go/data.db" -path="./go/gen/jet" | grep -v "Unsupported sql column"
(cd ./schemas/proto && buf generate --template buf.gen.go.yaml .)
(cd go/gen && bobgen-sqlite --config ../bobgen.yaml)
(cd go/gen && bobgen-sqlite --config ../bobgen.yaml 2>&1 | grep -v bytes | grep -v SKIPPED)
(cd go && goverter gen -g 'output:file ../gen/converter/converter.go' -g 'output:package' ./converts)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package api
import (
type RecentlyAddedImagesRequest struct {
Subreddits []string
Devices []string
Limit int64
After int64
Before int64
type RecentlyAddedImagesResponse struct {
Groups []RecentlyAddedImagesSubredditGroup
After *int64
Before *int64
type RecentlyAddedImagesSubredditGroup struct {
Name string
Devices []RecentlyAddedImagesDeviceGroup
type RecentlyAddedImagesDeviceGroup struct {
Slug string
Name string
Images []model.Images
func (api *API) RecentlyAddedImages(ctx context.Context, request RecentlyAddedImagesRequest) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package images.v1;
import "buf/validate/validate.proto";
import "images/v1/types.proto";
message RecentlyAddedImagesRequest {
option (buf.validate.message).cel = {
id: "RecentlyAddedImagesRequest.after_cannot_exist_with_before"
message: "after and before cannot be set at the same time"
expression: "this.after > 0 && this.before > 0"
// subreddits filter the images to be fetched belonging to the given subreddits.
// If empty, images from all subreddits will be fetched.
repeated string subreddits = 1;
// devices is a filter the images to be fetched belonging to the given devices slug.
// If empty, images from all devices will be fetched.
repeated string devices = 2;
// limit limits the number of images to be fetched.
// if 0 (or not set), the default limit is 100.
// if set, the maximum limit is clamped to 300.
int64 limit = 3 [(buf.validate.field).int64.gte = 0];
// after lists the image after the given timestamp.
// using after will return images that are created after the given timestamp.
// cannot be set (value > 0) with before (value > 0).
int64 after = 4;
// before lists the image before the given timestamp.
// using before will return images that are created before the given timestamp.
// cannot be set (value > 0) with after (value > 0).
int64 before = 5;
message RecentlyAddedImagesResponse {
// groups are images grouped by devices.
// devices are sorted alphabetically by it's NAME not slug.
repeated GroupedBySubredditDevices groups = 1;
// after is a unix epoch timestamp given to the client to be used as after in the next request.
// Given if the request has after value set and there are more images to be fetched.
optional int64 after = 2;
// before is a unix epoch timestamp given to the client to be used as before in the next request.
// Given if the request has before value set and there are more images to be fetched.
optional int64 before = 3;