package config import ( "path" "" ) var Version string = "unknown" type Entry struct { Key string Value any Desc string Hidden bool } type Entries []Entry func (e Entries) ToMap() map[string]any { m := make(map[string]any, len(e)) for _, entry := range e { m[entry.Key] = entry.Value } return m } var DefaultConfig = Entries{ {"log.enable", true, `Enable console logging. If TTY is detected, a pretty logging will be used. Otherwise uses JSON format.`, false}, {"log.file.path", path.Join(xdg.CacheHome, "bluemage", "bluemage.log"), "Log file path", false}, {"log.file.enable", true, "Enable file logging", false}, {"log.level", "info", `Log level. Possible values: "debug", "info", "warn", "error"`, false}, {"log.output", "stderr", "Log output. Possible values: \"stdout\", \"stderr\"", false}, {"db.driver", "sqlite3", "Database driver", false}, {"db.path", path.Join(xdg.Home, ".local", "share", "bluemage", "data.db"), "Database path", false}, {"pubsub.db.path", path.Join(xdg.Home, ".local", "share", "bluemage", "pubsub.db"), "PubSub database path", false}, {"pubsub.db.timeout", "5s", "PubSub database timeout", false}, {"pubsub.ack.deadline", "30m", "PubSub ack deadline", false}, {"download.concurrency", 5, "Number of concurrent image downloads", false}, {"", path.Join(xdg.UserDirs.Pictures, "bluemage"), "Download directory", false}, {"download.timeout.headers", "10s", "How long to wait for Reddit to response with data after opening connection. To prevent download connection getting clogged up for too long", false}, {"download.timeout.idle", "5s", "Download idle timeout. Whenever a download speed is under idlespeed for this duration, the download is cancelled. To prevent slow download speed from clogging up the queue", false}, {"download.timeout.idlespeed", "10KB", "Threshold for the download speed to be considered 'idle'", false}, {"download.useragent", "bluemage/v1", "Download user agent. Must not be empty. Avoid common user agent values like 'curl'", false}, {"http.port", "8080", "HTTP server port", false}, {"", "", "HTTP server host", false}, {"http.shutdown_timeout", "5s", "Timeout to wait closing i/o connections until the server force closes everything", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.enable", false, "Wether to enable telemetry support to OpenObserve server. Setting this to false, disables all other 'telemetry.openobserve' options (default false)", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.log.enable", true, "Wether to enable logging telemetry to OpenObserve server", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.log.level", "info", "Log level for telemetry logging", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.log.source", true, "Wether to include source code in the log", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.log.endpoint", "http://localhost:5080/api/default/default/_json", "OpenObserve log endpoint", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.log.concurrency", 4, "Number of allowed concurrent connections to send logs to the server", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.log.buffer.size", 2 * 1024, "Buffer size (in bytes) to wait before being sent to the server", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.log.buffer.timeout", "2s", "Timeout to send logs if the buffer is not empty but not yet filled", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.log.username", "", "OpenObserve logging endpoint username", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.log.password", "Complexpass#123", "OpenObserve logging endpoint password", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.traces.enable", true, "Wether to enable sending tracing to OpenObserve server", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.traces.url", "http://localhost:5080/api/default/v1/traces", "Endpoint url to send traces to", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.traces.auth", "Basic AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "Authorization token for the Endpoint URL", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.metrics.enable", true, "Wether to enable sending metrics to OpenObserve server", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.metrics.url", "http://localhost:5080/api/default/v1/metrics", "Endpoint url to send traces to", false}, {"telemetry.openobserve.metrics.auth", "Basic AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "Authorization token for the Endpoint URL", false}, {"telemetry.traces.ratio", float64(1), "Sampling ratio between 0 to 1 on how many traces are sent to the server. Value of 1 will send everything", false}, {"", "bluemage", "Name of the service to send to telemetry server", true}, {"runtime.version", Version, "current server version", true}, {"runtime.environment", "development", "runtime environment", true}, {"flags.containerized", false, "Indicates the application is running in a container", true}, }