syntax = "proto3"; package device.v1; import "buf/validate/validate.proto"; import "device/v1/get.proto"; option go_package = ""; service DeviceService { // GetDevice fetches a device by its slug. // // If the device is not found, an error will be returned. rpc GetDevice(GetDeviceRequest) returns (GetDeviceResponse) {} // ListDevices gets list of devices. // // Returns empty array if no matching query found. // // Only returns error if there's an internal error. rpc ListDevices(ListDevicesRequest) returns (ListDevicesResponse) {} // CreateDevice creates a new device. rpc CreateDevice(CreateDeviceRequest) returns (CreateDeviceResponse) {} } message ListDevicesRequest { // searches the name and slug of the devices. // case insensitive. // // If empty or not given, lists all devices. // (Limit, Offset, Order, Sort still applies). // // default: empty string. string search = 1; // disabled limit the listing devides only // to disabled devices. // // default: false. bool disabled = 2; // limits the number of results. // // if value is 0 or not given, limit is set to 25. // // if limit is higher than 100, it is clamped to 100. uint32 limit = 3; // offset for the given data. // // If offset is 0 or not given, the query begins from start. uint32 offset = 4; // order_by is the field to order the devices by. // // If not given, the default is `created_at`. OrderBy order_by = 5; // sort is the direction of the order_by result. // // If not given, the default is `ascending`. Sort sort = 6; } message ListDevicesResponse { uint32 count = 1; repeated GetDeviceResponse devices = 2; } message CreateDeviceRequest { // The `slug` is a unique identifier for the device, used to identify the device within the system. // Each `slug` must be unique across all devices. string slug = 1 [(buf.validate.field).string.min_len = 1]; // `disabled` is a flag to set if a device is enabled upon creation. Default false. bool disabled = 2; // The name of the device. This is used for display purposes. string name = 3; // The display x resolution of the device. // The value must be greater than 0. double resolution_x = 4 [(buf.validate.field) = 0]; // The display y resolution of the device. // The value must be greater than 0. double resolution_y = 5 [(buf.validate.field) = 0]; // aspect_ratio_tolerance is a tolerance for aspect ratio images to be accepted. // // The bigger the aspect_ratio_tolerance, the more images will be fetched, but it also means more likely // for images that will look stretched if you set the device wallpaper view as stretched or // will overfill if you set the device wallpaper view as fill. // // if a device has resolution_x = 1920, resolution_y = 1080, it has an aspect ratio of 1.777~ (1920 divided by 1080). // // an aspect_ratio_tolerance of 0.2 means that the device will accept images with aspect ratio between 1.577~ and 1.977~. // // THIS IS NOT A FILTER FOR IMAGE SIZE. This filter will take images that are far bigger or smaller than the device resolution // as long as the aspect ratio is within the tolerance. Like example above, if an image has resolution of 3840x2160, it will be // accepted by the device even though it is 2 times bigger than the device resolution. // // If you want to filter image size, use min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y fields. double aspect_ratio_tolerance = 6; // The minimum x resolution required for an image to be accepted by the device. // // A value of 0 indicates no minimum x resolution. // // The default value is 0. int32 min_x = 7 [(buf.validate.field).int32.gte = 0]; // The minimum y resolution required for an image to be accepted by the device. // // A value of 0 indicates no minimum y resolution. // // The default value is 0. int32 min_y = 8 [(buf.validate.field).int32.gte = 0]; // The maximum x resolution allowed for an image to be accepted by the device. // // A value of 0 indicates no maximum x resolution. // // The default value is 0. int32 max_x = 9 [(buf.validate.field).int32.gte = 0]; // The maximum y resolution allowed for an image to be accepted by the device. // // A value of 0 indicates no maximum y resolution. // // The default value is 0. int32 max_y = 10 [(buf.validate.field).int32.gte = 0]; // The `nsfw` parameter allows the device to accept NSFW (Not Safe For Work) images when set to true. bool nsfw = 11; // `single_folder_mode` when set to true, downloaded images will be put on single folder location // instead of inside folders separated by subreddit names. bool single_folder_mode = 12; } message CreateDeviceResponse { // `slug` is the slug of the created device. string slug = 1; } enum OrderBy { ORDER_BY_UNSPECIFIED = 0; ORDER_BY_SLUG = 1; ORDER_BY_DISABLED = 2; ORDER_BY_NAME = 3; ORDER_BY_RESOLUTION_X = 4; ORDER_BY_RESOLUTION_Y = 5; ORDER_BY_ASPECT_RATIO_TOLERANCE = 6; ORDER_BY_MIN_X = 7; ORDER_BY_MIN_Y = 8; ORDER_BY_MAX_X = 9; ORDER_BY_MAX_Y = 10; ORDER_BY_NSFW = 11; ORDER_BY_SINGLE_FOLDER_MODE = 12; ORDER_BY_CREATED_AT = 13; ORDER_BY_UPDATED_AT = 14; } enum Sort { SORT_UNSPECIFIED = 0; SORT_ASCENDING = 1; SORT_DESCENDING = 2; }