
33 lines
971 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package device.v1;
import "device/v1/create.proto";
import "device/v1/get.proto";
import "device/v1/list.proto";
import "device/v1/update.proto";
option go_package = "";
service DeviceService {
// GetDevice fetches a device by its slug.
// If the device is not found, an error will be returned.
rpc GetDevice(GetDeviceRequest) returns (GetDeviceResponse) {}
// ListDevices gets list of devices.
// Returns empty array if no matching query found.
// Only returns error if there's an internal error.
rpc ListDevices(ListDevicesRequest) returns (ListDevicesResponse) {}
// CreateDevice creates a new device.
rpc CreateDevice(CreateDeviceRequest) returns (CreateDeviceResponse) {}
// UpdateDevice updates a device.
// Only fields that are set in the request will be updated.
rpc UpdateDevice(UpdateDeviceRequest) returns (UpdateDeviceResponse) {}