
40 lines
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2024-06-12 09:54:11 +07:00
#/usr/bin/env bash
# rofi -show window for Hyprland, basically
# Requires gojq and rofi to be on PATH.
state="$(hyprctl -j clients)"
active_window="$(hyprctl -j activewindow)"
current_addr="$(echo "$active_window" | gojq -r '.address')"
window="$(echo "$state" |
gojq -r '.[] | select(.monitor != -1 ) | "\(.address) \( \(.title)"' |
grep -v "scratch_term" |
sed "s|$current_addr|focused ->|" |
sort -r |
rofi -dmenu -i -matching fuzzy)"
addr="$(echo "$window" | awk '{print $1}')"
ws="$(echo "$window" | awk '{print $2}')"
if [[ "$addr" =~ focused* ]]; then
echo 'already focused, exiting'
exit 0
fullscreen_on_same_ws="$(echo "$state" | gojq -r ".[] | select(.fullscreen == true) | select( == \"$ws\") | .address")"
if [[ "$window" != "" ]]; then
if [[ "$fullscreen_on_same_ws" == "" ]]; then
hyprctl dispatch focuswindow address:${addr}
# If we want to focus app_A and app_B is fullscreen on the same workspace,
# app_A will get focus, but app_B will remain on top.
# This monstrosity is to make sure app_A will end up on top instead.
# XXX: doesn't handle fullscreen 0, but I don't care.
notify-send 'Complex switch' "$window"
hyprctl --batch "dispatch focuswindow address:${fullscreen_on_same_ws}; dispatch fullscreen 1; dispatch focuswindow address:${addr}; dispatch fullscreen 1"