{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let name = "qbittorrent"; domain = "${name}.tigor.web.id"; podman = config.profile.podman; qbittorrent = podman.qbittorrent; inherit (lib) mkIf; inherit (lib.strings) optionalString; ip = ""; image = "lscr.io/linuxserver/qbittorrent:latest"; volume = "/nas/torrents"; user = config.profile.user; uid = toString user.uid; gid = toString user.gid; in { config = mkIf (podman.enable && qbittorrent.enable) { services.caddy.virtualHosts.${domain}.extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy ${ip}:8080 ''; system.activationScripts."podman-${name}" = '' mkdir -p ${volume}/{config,downloads,progress,watch} chown ${uid}:${gid} ${volume} ${volume}/{config,downloads,progress,watch} ''; sops = { secrets = let opts = { sopsFile = ../../secrets/ntfy.yaml; }; in { "ntfy/tokens/homeserver" = opts; }; templates = { "qbittorrent-ntfy-env".content = /*sh*/ '' NTFY_TOKEN=${config.sops.placeholder."ntfy/tokens/homeserver"} ''; }; }; virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.${name} = let finish-notify-script = pkgs.writeScriptBin "notify-finish.sh" (optionalString config.services.ntfy-sh.enable /*sh*/ '' #!/bin/bash # $1 = %N | Torrent Name # $2 = %L | Category # $3 = %G | Tags # $4 = %F | Content Path # $5 = %R | Root Path # $6 = %D | Save Path # $7 = %C | Number of files # $8 = %Z | Torrent Size # $9 = %T | Current Tracker # $10 = %I | Info Hash v1 # $11 = %J | Info Hash v2 # $12 = %K | Torrent ID curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $NTFY_TOKEN" \ -H "X-Title: $1" \ -H "X-Tags: white_check_mark,$2" \ -d "Number of Files: $7, Size: $8" \ https://ntfy.tigor.web.id/qbittorrent ''); start-notify-script = pkgs.writeScriptBin "notify-start.sh" (optionalString config.services.ntfy-sh.enable /*sh*/ '' #!/bin/bash curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $NTFY_TOKEN" \ -H "X-Title: $1" \ -H "X-Tags: rocket,$2" \ -d "Number of Files: $7, Size: $8" \ https://ntfy.tigor.web.id/qbittorrent ''); in { inherit image; hostname = name; autoStart = true; environment = { PUID = uid; PGID = gid; TZ = "Asia/Jakarta"; WEBUI_PORT = "8080"; TORRENTING_PORT = "6881"; }; volumes = [ "${volume}/config:/config" "${volume}/downloads:/downloads" "${volume}/progress:/progress" "${volume}/watch:/watch" "${finish-notify-script}/bin/notify-finish.sh:/bin/notify-finish" "${start-notify-script}/bin/notify-start.sh:/bin/notify-start" ]; ports = [ "6881:6881" "6881:6881/udp" ]; extraOptions = [ "--ip=${ip}" "--network=podman" ]; environmentFiles = [ config.sops.templates."qbittorrent-ntfy-env".path ]; labels = { "io.containers.autoupdate" = "registry"; }; }; }; }