{ pkgs, lib, config, unstable, ... }: let cfg = config.profile.hyprland; in { imports = [ ./dunst.nix ./hypridle.nix ./hyprland.nix ./hyprlock.nix # hyprpaper seems to be broken with out of memory and failure to swap wallpapers correctly. # Use swww for now until the application is stable. # ./hyprpaper.nix ./pyprland.nix ./rofi.nix ./wallust.nix ./waybar.nix ./wlogout.nix ./swappy.nix ./alacritty.nix ]; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { home.packages = with pkgs; [ unstable.cosmic-term cliphist qalculate-gtk pavucontrol pasystray graphicsmagick unstable.swayosd image-roll # image viewer ]; home.pointerCursor = { name = "Adwaita"; package = pkgs.gnome.adwaita-icon-theme; size = 24; x11 = { enable = true; defaultCursor = "Adwaita"; }; }; }; }