{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let name = "pihole"; podman = config.profile.podman; pihole = podman.pihole; inherit (lib) mkIf lists; gateway = ""; subnet = ""; ip = ""; ip-range = ""; image = "pihole/pihole:latest"; piholeDNSIPBind = ""; in { config = mkIf (podman.enable && pihole.enable) { services.caddy.virtualHosts."pihole.tigor.web.id".extraConfig = '' @root path / redir @root /admin reverse_proxy ${ip}:80 ''; sops.secrets."pihole/env" = { sopsFile = ../../secrets/pihole.yaml; }; networking.nameservers = [ piholeDNSIPBind ]; systemd.services."create-${name}-network" = { serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; }; wantedBy = [ "podman-${name}.service" ]; script = ''${pkgs.podman}/bin/podman network exists ${name} || ${pkgs.podman}/bin/podman network create --gateway=${gateway} --subnet=${subnet} --ip-range=${ip-range} ${name}''; }; # We have refresh the custom.list dns list when caddy virtual hosts changes, # the easiest way to do so is to restart the pihole container systemd.services."podman-${name}".partOf = lists.optional (config.services.caddy.enable) "caddy.service"; environment.etc."pihole/custom.list" = { # Copy file instead of symlink mode = "0444"; # Creates a pihole custom.list file with the following pattern: # # custom.list: # {domain_name_1} # {domain_name_2} # # For each domain defined in services.caddy.virtualHosts text = let inherit (lib) strings attrsets; in ''${strings.concatStringsSep "\n" ( attrsets.mapAttrsToList (name: _: " ${strings.removePrefix "https://" name}") config.services.caddy.virtualHosts )} ''; }; virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.${name} = { inherit image; environment = { TZ = "Asia/Jakarta"; PIHOLE_DNS_ = ""; DHCP_ACTIVE = "true"; DHCP_START = ""; DHCP_END = ""; DHCP_ROUTER = ""; DNS_BOGUS_PRIV = "false"; DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED = "false"; }; ports = [ "${piholeDNSIPBind}:53:53/udp" "67:67/udp" ]; volumes = [ "pihole-etc:/etc/pihole" "pihole-dnsmasq:/etc/dnsmasq.d" "/etc/pihole/custom.list:/etc/pihole/custom.list" ]; environmentFiles = [ config.sops.secrets."pihole/env".path ]; extraOptions = [ "--ip=${ip}" "--network=${name}" "--cap-add=NET_ADMIN" "--cap-add=NET_BIND_SERVICE" "--cap-add=NET_RAW" "--cap-add=SYS_NICE" "--cap-add=CHOWN" ]; }; }; }