{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let name = "ytptube"; podman = config.profile.podman; inherit (lib) mkIf; ip = ""; image = "ghcr.io/arabcoders/${name}:latest"; volume = "/nas/mediaserver/${name}"; domain = "${name}.tigor.web.id"; user = config.profile.user; uid = toString user.uid; gid = toString user.gid; webhook = builtins.readFile ( (pkgs.formats.json { }).generate "webhooks.json" [ { name = "NTFY Webhook Added"; on = [ "added" ]; request = { url = "https://ntfy.tigor.web.id/ytptube?click=https%3A%2F%2F${domain}&tpl=1&t=%7B%7B.title%7D%7D&m=%5B%7B%7B%20.folder%20%7D%7D%5D%20Download%20added."; type = "json"; method = "POST"; headers = { Authorization = ''Bearer ${config.sops.placeholder."ntfy/tokens/homeserver"}''; X-Tags = "rocket"; }; }; } { name = "NTFY Webhook Completed"; on = [ "completed" ]; request = { url = "https://ntfy.tigor.web.id/ytptube?click=https%3A%2F%2F${domain}&tpl=1&t=%7B%7B.title%7D%7D&m=%5B%7B%7B%20.folder%20%7D%7D%5D%20Download%20%7B%7B%20.status%20%7D%7D"; type = "json"; method = "POST"; headers = { Authorization = ''Bearer ${config.sops.placeholder."ntfy/tokens/homeserver"}''; X-Tags = "heavy_check_mark"; X-Priority = "4"; }; }; } { name = "NTFY Webhook Error"; on = [ "error" ]; request = { url = "https://ntfy.tigor.web.id/ytptube?click=https%3A%2F%2F${domain}&tpl=1&t=%7B%7B.title%7D%7D&m=%5B%7B%7B%20.folder%20%7D%7D%5D%20Download%20%7B%7B%20.status%20%7D%7D"; type = "json"; method = "POST"; headers = { Authorization = ''Bearer ${config.sops.placeholder."ntfy/tokens/homeserver"}''; X-Priority = "4"; X-Tags = "x"; }; }; } ] ); in lib.mkMerge [ (mkIf podman.${name}.enable { services.nginx.virtualHosts.${domain} = { enableACME = true; # useACMEHost = "ytptube.tigor.web.id"; forceSSL = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "http://${ip}:8081"; proxyWebsockets = true; }; }; services.caddy.virtualHosts.${domain}.extraConfig = '' @require_auth not remote_ip private_ranges basic_auth @require_auth { {$AUTH_USERNAME} {$AUTH_PASSWORD} } reverse_proxy ${ip}:8081 ''; system.activationScripts."podman-${name}" = '' mkdir -p ${volume} chown -R ${uid}:${gid} ${volume} /etc/podman/${name} ''; systemd.services."podman-${name}".restartTriggers = [ webhook ]; environment.etc."podman/${name}/ytdlp.json" = { # https://github.com/arabcoders/ytptube?tab=readme-ov-file#ytdlpjson-file source = (pkgs.formats.json { }).generate "config.json" { windowsfilenames = true; writesubtitles = true; writeinfojson = true; writethumbnail = true; writeautomaticsub = false; merge_output_format = "mkv"; live_from_start = true; format_sort = [ "codec:avc:m4a" ]; subtitleslangs = [ "en" ]; postprocessors = [ # this processor convert the downloaded thumbnail to jpg. { key = "FFmpegThumbnailsConvertor"; format = "jpg"; } # This processor convert subtitles to srt format. { key = "FFmpegSubtitlesConvertor"; format = "srt"; } # This processor embed metadata & info.json file into the final mkv file. { key = "FFmpegMetadata"; add_infojson = true; add_metadata = true; } # This process embed subtitles into the final file if it doesn't have subtitles embedded { key = "FFmpegEmbedSubtitle"; already_have_subtitle = false; } ]; }; mode = "0444"; }; virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.${name} = { inherit image; hostname = name; autoStart = true; user = "${uid}:${gid}"; environment = { TZ = "Asia/Jakarta"; YTP_MAX_WORKERS = "4"; }; volumes = [ "${volume}:/downloads" "/etc/podman/${name}:/config" ]; extraOptions = [ "--ip=${ip}" "--network=podman" ]; labels = { "io.containers.autoupdate" = "registry"; }; }; }) { profile.services.ntfy-sh.client.settings.subscribe = let vueIcon = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Vue.js_Logo_2.svg/120px-Vue.js_Logo_2.svg.png"; hash = "sha256-chQ5dFB22qfGpGnYJ9B6NsUWlbfAeIIoJL5bSyz2YEg="; }; in [ { command = ''${pkgs.libnotify}/bin/notify-send --app-name="ytptube" --icon="${vueIcon}" --category=im.received --urgency=normal "$title" "$message"''; topic = "ytptube"; } ]; } ]