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{ config, lib, ... }:
cfg = config.profile.openssh;
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
services.openssh = {
enable = true;
settings = {
PasswordAuthentication = false;
UseDns = true;
X11Forwarding = false;
PermitRootLogin = "no";
services.fail2ban = {
enable = true;
# Ban IP after 5 failures
maxretry = 5;
ignoreIP = [
# Whitelist some subnets
bantime = "24h"; # Ban IPs for one day on the first ban
bantime-increment = {
enable = true; # Enable increment of bantime after each violation
formula = "ban.Time * math.exp(float(ban.Count+1)*banFactor)/math.exp(1*banFactor)";
multipliers = "1 2 4 8 16 32 64";
maxtime = "168h"; # Do not ban for more than 1 week
overalljails = true; # Calculate the bantime based on all the violations
jails = {
apache-nohome-iptables.settings = {
# Block an IP address if it accesses a non-existent
# home directory more than 5 times in 10 minutes,
# since that indicates that it's scanning.
filter = "apache-nohome";
action = ''iptables-multiport[name=HTTP, port="http,https"]'';
logpath = "/var/log/httpd/error_log*";
backend = "auto";
findtime = 600;
bantime = 600;
maxretry = 5;