schedule-histories: revamped page data
Some checks failed
/ push (push) Has been cancelled

This commit is contained in:
Tigor Hutasuhut 2024-06-03 16:19:34 +07:00
parent 89e0b7f9bc
commit 44128365c0
7 changed files with 279 additions and 176 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package api
import (
type ScheduleHistoryListByDateParams struct {
Date time.Time
func (params *ScheduleHistoryListByDateParams) FillFromQuery(query Queryable) {
var err error
params.Date, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02", query.Get("date"))
if err != nil {
params.Date = time.Now()
func (params *ScheduleHistoryListByDateParams) CountQuery() (expr []bob.Mod[*dialect.SelectQuery]) {
unixTopTime := time.Date(params.Date.Year(), params.Date.Month(), params.Date.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, params.Date.Location()).Unix()
unixLowTime := time.Date(params.Date.Year(), params.Date.Month(), params.Date.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, params.Date.Location()).Unix()
expr = append(expr, models.SelectWhere.ScheduleHistories.CreatedAt.GTE(unixLowTime))
expr = append(expr, models.SelectWhere.ScheduleHistories.CreatedAt.LTE(unixTopTime))
func (params *ScheduleHistoryListByDateParams) Query() (expr []bob.Mod[*dialect.SelectQuery]) {
expr = params.CountQuery()
func (api *API) ScheduleHistoryListByDate(ctx context.Context, params ScheduleHistoryListByDateParams) (result ScheduleHistoryListResult, err error) {
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "*API.ScheduleHistoryListByDate")
defer span.End()
result.Schedules, err = models.ScheduleHistories.Query(ctx, api.db, params.Query()...).All()
if err != nil {
return result, errs.Wrapw(err, "failed to list schedule histories", "query", params)
result.Total, err = models.ScheduleHistories.Query(ctx, api.db, params.CountQuery()...).Count()
if err != nil {
return result, errs.Wrapw(err, "failed to count schedule histories", "query", params)

View file

@ -2,13 +2,11 @@ package routes
import (
func (routes *Routes) PageScheduleHistory(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
@ -17,36 +15,24 @@ func (routes *Routes) PageScheduleHistory(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Requ
c := views.NewContext(routes.Config, req)
var data schedulehistoriesview.Data
if tz := req.URL.Query().Get("tz"); tz == "" {
data.Timezone = time.Local
} else {
var err error
data.Timezone, err = time.LoadLocation(tz)
if err != nil {
data.Timezone = time.Local
var data schedulehistories.Data
var params api.ScheduleHistoryListParams
result, err := routes.API.ScheduleHistoryList(ctx, params)
result, err := routes.API.ScheduleHistoryListByDate(ctx, data.Params)
if err != nil {
log.New(ctx).Err(err).Error("Failed to list schedule histories")
code, message := errs.HTTPMessage(err)
data.Error = message
if err := schedulehistoriesview.ScheduleHistoriesview(c, data).Render(ctx, rw); err != nil {
if err := schedulehistories.View(c, data).Render(ctx, rw); err != nil {
log.New(ctx).Err(err).Error("Failed to render schedule histories view")
data.Schedules = result.Schedules
data.Total = result.Total
data.ScheduleHistories = result.Schedules
if err := schedulehistoriesview.ScheduleHistoriesview(c, data).Render(ctx, rw); err != nil {
if err := schedulehistories.View(c, data).Render(ctx, rw); err != nil {
log.New(ctx).Err(err).Error("Failed to render schedule histories view")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package icons
import "strings"
templ ChevronBoldRight(class ...string) {
viewBox="-5.5 0 26 26"
if len(class) > 0 {
class={ strings.Join(class, " ") }
<desc>Created with Sketch Beta.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" sketch:type="MSPage">
<g id="Icon-Set-Filled" sketch:type="MSLayerGroup" transform="translate(-474.000000, -1196.000000)" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M488.404,1207.36 L477.637,1197.6 C476.806,1196.76 475.459,1196.76 474.629,1197.6 C473.798,1198.43 473.798,1199.77 474.629,1200.6 L483.885,1209 L474.629,1217.4 C473.798,1218.23 473.798,1219.57 474.629,1220.4 C475.459,1221.24 476.806,1221.24 477.637,1220.4 L488.404,1210.64 C488.854,1210.19 489.052,1209.59 489.015,1209 C489.052,1208.41 488.854,1207.81 488.404,1207.36" id="chevron-right" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"></path>
templ ChevronBoldLeft(class ...string) {
viewBox="-5.5 0 26 26"
if len(class) > 0 {
class={ strings.Join(class, " ") }
<desc>Created with Sketch Beta.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" sketch:type="MSPage">
<g id="Icon-Set-Filled" sketch:type="MSLayerGroup" transform="translate(-423.000000, -1196.000000)" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M428.115,1209 L437.371,1200.6 C438.202,1199.77 438.202,1198.43 437.371,1197.6 C436.541,1196.76 435.194,1196.76 434.363,1197.6 L423.596,1207.36 C423.146,1207.81 422.948,1208.41 422.985,1209 C422.948,1209.59 423.146,1210.19 423.596,1210.64 L434.363,1220.4 C435.194,1221.24 436.541,1221.24 437.371,1220.4 C438.202,1219.57 438.202,1218.23 437.371,1217.4 L428.115,1209" id="chevron-left" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"></path>

views/icons/refresh.templ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package icons
import "strings"
templ Refresh(class ...string) {
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
if len(class) > 0 {
class={ strings.Join(class, " ") }
d="M3 3V8M3 8H8M3 8L6 5.29168C7.59227 3.86656 9.69494 3 12 3C16.9706 3 21 7.02944 21 12C21 16.9706 16.9706 21 12 21C7.71683 21 4.13247 18.008 3.22302 14"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package schedulehistories
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import "fmt"
import "time"
import ""
type Data struct {
ScheduleHistories models.ScheduleHistorySlice
Params api.ScheduleHistoryListByDateParams
Error string
func (data Data) isCurrentDay() bool {
now := time.Now()
return now.Format(time.DateOnly) == data.Params.Date.Format(time.DateOnly)
templ View(c *views.Context, data Data) {
@components.Doctype() {
components.HeadTitle("Schedule History"),
@components.Body(c) {
@components.Container() {
@Content(c, data)
@components.NotificationContainer() {
if data.Error != "" {
templ Content(c *views.Context, data Data) {
<main class="prose min-w-full">
<h1>Schedule History ({ time.Local.String() })</h1>
<div class="divider my-0"></div>
class="flex flex-wrap justify-between my-4 items-center"
if data.isCurrentDay() {
class="btn btn-primary btn-outline btn-square text-base-100"
@icons.Refresh("w-6 h-6")
} else {
href={ templ.SafeURL(fmt.Sprintf("/history?date=%s", data.Params.Date.Add(time.Hour*24).Format(time.DateOnly))) }
class="btn btn-primary btn-outline btn-square text-base-100"
@icons.ChevronBoldLeft("w-6 h-6")
<span class="max-xs:hidden text-primary font-bold sm:text-2xl">{ data.Params.Date.Format("Monday, 02 January 2006") }</span>
<span class="xs:hidden text-primary font-bold">{ data.Params.Date.Format("Mon, 02 Jan") }</span>
<div class="tooltip" data-tip="Next">
href={ templ.SafeURL(fmt.Sprintf("/history?date=%s", data.Params.Date.Add(time.Hour*-24).Format(time.DateOnly))) }
class="btn btn-primary btn-outline btn-square text-base-100 no-underline"
@icons.ChevronBoldRight("w-6 h-6")
if len(data.ScheduleHistories) == 0 {
<h2>There are no history schedules found for current date.</h2>
if len(data.ScheduleHistories) > 0 {
<div class="grid sm:grid-cols-[1fr,9fr] gap-x-4 gap-y-2 sm:gap-y-4">
<span class="font-bold max-sm:hidden text-center">Time</span>
<span class="font-bold max-sm:hidden">Event</span>
for i, schedule := range data.ScheduleHistories {
if i > 0 {
<div class="divider sm:hidden"></div>
x-data={ fmt.Sprintf(`{ time: %d, get tooltip() { return dayjs.unix(this.time).tz('ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z') } }`, schedule.CreatedAt) }
<p class="font-bold max-sm:text-left my-0">
{ time.Unix(schedule.CreatedAt, 0).Format("15:04:05") }
if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusDisabled {
scheduler has been set to { api.ScheduleStatusDisabled.String() } status.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusEnabled {
{ " " }
has been <b>{ api.ScheduleStatusEnabled.String() }</b> { "for" } automatic scheduling.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusStandby {
{ " " }
has finished
<b class="text-secondary">{ api.ScheduleStatusDownloading.String() }</b>
and turned to <b>{ api.ScheduleStatusStandby.String() }</b> status.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusEnqueued {
{ " " }
is <b class="text-accent">{ api.ScheduleStatusEnqueued.String() } </b> { "for" } downloading.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusDownloading {
{ " " }
has started <b class="text-secondary">{ api.ScheduleStatusDownloading.String() }</b>.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusError {
{ " " }
finishes <b class="text-secondary">{ api.ScheduleStatusDownloading.String() }</b>
with <b class="text-error">{ api.ScheduleStatusError.String() }</b> of <span class="text-error">"{ schedule.ErrorMessage }"</span>.
templ subredditLink(subreddit string) {
<a href={ templ.URL(fmt.Sprintf("/subreddits/details/%s", subreddit)) } class="text-primary">{ subreddit }</a>

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package schedulehistoriesview
import (
type Data struct {
Error string
Schedules models.ScheduleHistorySlice
Total int64
Timezone *time.Location
func (data *Data) splitByDays() (out []*splitByDaySchedules) {
for _, schedule := range data.Schedules {
day := time.Unix(schedule.CreatedAt, 0).In(data.Timezone)
date := time.Date(day.Year(), day.Month(), day.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, day.Location())
var found bool
for _, split := range out {
if split.Date.Equal(date) {
found = true
split.Schedules = append(split.Schedules, schedule)
break inner
if !found {
out = append(out, &splitByDaySchedules{
Day: day,
Date: date,
Schedules: models.ScheduleHistorySlice{schedule},
return out
type splitByDaySchedules struct {
Day time.Time
Date time.Time
Schedules models.ScheduleHistorySlice

View file

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
package schedulehistoriesview
import ""
import ""
import "time"
import ""
import "fmt"
templ ScheduleHistoriesview(c *views.Context, data Data) {
@components.Doctype() {
components.HeadTitle("Schedule History"),
@components.Body(c) {
@ScheduleHistoriesContent(c, data)
templ ScheduleHistoriesContent(c *views.Context, data Data) {
<main class="prose min-w-full">
@components.Container() {
if data.Error != "" {
} else {
<h1>Schedule History ({ time.Local.String() })</h1>
<div class="divider my-0"></div>
if data.Total < 1 {
<h2>There are no history schedules to be found. You can populate this page's history by manually trigger a <a href="/subreddits" class="text-primary">Subreddit</a> { "for" } downloading.</h2>
if data.Total > 0 {
<div class="grid">
for _, scheduleGroup := range data.splitByDays() {
<h2>{ scheduleGroup.Day.Format("Monday, _2 January 2006") }</h2>
<div class="divider"></div>
<div class="hidden sm:grid sm:grid-cols-[8rem,auto]">
<span class="font-bold">Time</span>
<span class="font-bold">Event</span>
for _, schedule := range scheduleGroup.Schedules {
<div class="grid sm:grid-cols-[8rem,auto] mb-4 sm:mb-2">
data-tip={ time.Unix(schedule.CreatedAt, 10).In(time.Local).Format(time.RFC3339) }
<span class="font-bold">{ time.Unix(schedule.CreatedAt, 10).In(time.Local).Format("15:04:05") }</span>
if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusDisabled {
scheduler has been set to { api.ScheduleStatusDisabled.String() } status.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusEnabled {
{ " " }
has been <b>{ api.ScheduleStatusEnabled.String() }</b> { "for" } automatic scheduling.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusStandby {
{ " " }
has finished
<b class="text-secondary">{ api.ScheduleStatusDownloading.String() }</b>
and turned to <b>{ api.ScheduleStatusStandby.String() }</b> status.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusEnqueued {
{ " " }
is <b class="text-accent">{ api.ScheduleStatusEnqueued.String() } </b> { "for" } downloading.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusDownloading {
{ " " }
has started <b class="text-secondary">{ api.ScheduleStatusDownloading.String() }</b>.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusError {
{ " " }
finishes <b class="text-secondary">{ api.ScheduleStatusDownloading.String() }</b>
with <b class="text-error">{ api.ScheduleStatusError.String() }</b> of <span class="text-error">"{ schedule.ErrorMessage }"</span>.
<script> document.querySelectorAll(`[data-name="schedule-tooltip"]`).forEach((el) => el.dataset.tip = dayjs(el.dataset.tip).tz('ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z') ) </script>
templ subredditLink(subreddit string) {
<a href={ templ.URL(fmt.Sprintf("/subreddits/details/%s", subreddit)) } class="text-primary">{ subreddit }</a>