package log import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "io" "log/slog" "net/http" "sync" "time" ) type HTTPClient interface { Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) } type OpenObserveHandler struct { opts OpenObserveHandlerOptions semaphore chan struct{} withAttrs []slog.Attr withGroup []string buffer *bytes.Buffer mu sync.Mutex sendDebounceFunc *time.Timer } func (sl *OpenObserveHandler) clone() *OpenObserveHandler { return &OpenObserveHandler{ opts: sl.opts, semaphore: sl.semaphore, withAttrs: sl.withAttrs, withGroup: sl.withGroup, buffer: &bytes.Buffer{}, } } func (sl *OpenObserveHandler) Enabled(ctx context.Context, lvl slog.Level) bool { return sl.opts.HandlerOptions.Level.Level() <= lvl } func (sl *OpenObserveHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, record slog.Record) error { defer if sl.sendDebounceFunc == nil { sl.sendDebounceFunc = time.AfterFunc(sl.opts.BufferTimeout, func() { defer sl.sendDebounceFunc = nil if sl.buffer.Len() < 1 { return } b := sl.extractBuffer().Bytes() if b[len(b)-1] == ',' { b = b[:len(b)-1] } if b[len(b)-1] == '\n' { b = b[:len(b)-1] } b = append(b, ']') sl.semaphore <- struct{}{} go func() { defer func() { <-sl.semaphore }() sl.postLog(bytes.NewReader(b)) }() }) } if sl.buffer.Len() < 1 { sl.buffer.WriteRune('[') } jsonHandler := sl.jsonHandler(sl.buffer) if err := jsonHandler.Handle(ctx, record); err != nil { return err } if sl.buffer.Len() < sl.opts.BufferSize-1 { sl.buffer.WriteRune(',') } else { sl.sendDebounceFunc.Stop() sl.sendDebounceFunc = nil sl.buffer.WriteRune(']') buf := sl.extractBuffer() sl.semaphore <- struct{}{} go func() { defer func() { <-sl.semaphore }() sl.postLog(buf) }() } return nil } func (sl *OpenObserveHandler) extractBuffer() *bytes.Buffer { b := sl.buffer.Bytes() newb := make([]byte, len(b)) copy(newb, b) if sl.buffer.Cap() > 512*1024 { sl.buffer = &bytes.Buffer{} } else { sl.buffer.Reset() } return bytes.NewBuffer(newb) } func noopReplaceAttr(_ []string, attr slog.Attr) slog.Attr { return attr } func (sl *OpenObserveHandler) jsonHandler(w io.Writer) slog.Handler { handler := slog.NewJSONHandler(w, wrapHandlerOptions(sl.opts.HandlerOptions)). WithAttrs(sl.opts.WithAttrs). WithAttrs(sl.withAttrs) for _, name := range sl.withGroup { handler = handler.WithGroup(name) } return handler } func (sl *OpenObserveHandler) postLog(buf io.Reader) { req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, sl.opts.Endpoint, buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("openobserve: failed to create request: %s\n", err) return } req.SetBasicAuth(sl.opts.Username, sl.opts.Password) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") resp, err := sl.opts.HTTPClient.Do(req) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("openobserve: failed to execute request: %s\n", err) return } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode >= 400 { fmt.Printf("openobserve: unexpected %d status code from openobserve instance when sending logs\n", resp.StatusCode) body, _ := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) fmt.Println(string(body)) } } func (sl *OpenObserveHandler) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler { sl2 := sl.clone() sl2.withAttrs = append(sl2.withAttrs, attrs...) return sl2 } func (sl *OpenObserveHandler) WithGroup(name string) slog.Handler { if name == "" { return sl } sl2 := sl.clone() sl2.withGroup = append(sl2.withGroup, name) return sl2 } func wrapHandlerOptions(in *slog.HandlerOptions) *slog.HandlerOptions { return &slog.HandlerOptions{ AddSource: in.AddSource, Level: in.Level, ReplaceAttr: wrapReplaceAttr(in.ReplaceAttr), } } type replaceAttrFunc = func(group []string, attr slog.Attr) slog.Attr func wrapReplaceAttr(replaceAttr replaceAttrFunc) replaceAttrFunc { return func(group []string, attr slog.Attr) slog.Attr { if len(group) > 0 { return replaceAttr(group, attr) } if attr.Key == slog.TimeKey { return slog.Attr{ Key: "_timestamp", Value: attr.Value, } } return replaceAttr(group, attr) } } type OpenObserveHandlerOptions struct { HandlerOptions *slog.HandlerOptions // Maximum size for the buffer to store log messages before flushing. BufferSize int // Maximum time to wait before flushing the buffer. BufferTimeout time.Duration // Maximum number of concurrent requests to send logs. Concurrency int // Endpoint to send logs to. Endpoint string // HTTPClient to use for sending logs. HTTPClient HTTPClient // Attributes to include in every log message. WithAttrs []slog.Attr Username string Password string } func NewOpenObserveHandler(opts OpenObserveHandlerOptions) *OpenObserveHandler { if opts.HandlerOptions == nil { opts.HandlerOptions = &slog.HandlerOptions{} } if opts.HandlerOptions.ReplaceAttr == nil { opts.HandlerOptions.ReplaceAttr = noopReplaceAttr } return &OpenObserveHandler{ opts: opts, semaphore: make(chan struct{}, opts.Concurrency), buffer: &bytes.Buffer{}, } }