2024-06-05 14:20:21 +07:00

206 lines
6.4 KiB

package schedulehistories
import ""
import ""
import ""
import "fmt"
import "time"
import ""
import ""
type Data struct {
ScheduleHistories api.ScheduleHistoryListResult
Params api.ScheduleHistoryListParams
FirstSchedule *models.ScheduleHistory
LastSchedule *models.ScheduleHistory
IsCurrent bool
Error string
templ View(c *views.Context, data Data) {
@components.Doctype() {
components.HeadTitle("Schedule History"),
@components.Body(c) {
@components.Container() {
@Content(c, data)
@components.NotificationContainer() {
if data.Error != "" {
templ Content(c *views.Context, data Data) {
<main class="prose min-w-full">
<h1>Schedule History ({ time.Local.String() })</h1>
<div class="divider my-0"></div>
if len(data.ScheduleHistories.Schedules) == 0 {
<h2>There are no history schedules found for current date.</h2>
if len(data.ScheduleHistories.Schedules) > 0 {
for _, history := range data.ScheduleHistories.SplitByDay() {
<h1 class="mb-6 mt-8 max-xs:text-xl">{ history.Date.Format("Monday, 02 January 2006") }</h1>
<div class="divider my-2"></div>
<div class="grid sm:grid-cols-[1fr,9fr] gap-x-4 gap-y-2 sm:gap-y-4">
<span class="font-bold max-sm:hidden text-center">Time</span>
<span class="font-bold max-sm:hidden">Event</span>
for i, schedule := range history.Schedules {
if i > 0 {
<div class="divider sm:hidden"></div>
x-data={ fmt.Sprintf(`{ time: %d, get tooltip() { return dayjs.unix(this.time).tz('ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z') } }`, schedule.CreatedAt) }
<p class="font-bold max-sm:text-left my-0">
{ time.Unix(schedule.CreatedAt, 0).Format("15:04:05") }
if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusDisabled {
scheduler has been set to { api.ScheduleStatusDisabled.String() } status.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusEnabled {
{ " " }
has been <b>{ api.ScheduleStatusEnabled.String() }</b> { "for" } automatic scheduling.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusStandby {
{ " " }
has finished
<b class="text-secondary">{ api.ScheduleStatusDownloading.String() }</b>
and turned to <b>{ api.ScheduleStatusStandby.String() }</b> status.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusEnqueued {
{ " " }
is <b class="text-accent">{ api.ScheduleStatusEnqueued.String() } </b> { "for" } downloading.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusDownloading {
{ " " }
has started <b class="text-secondary">{ api.ScheduleStatusDownloading.String() }</b>.
} else if api.ScheduleStatus(schedule.Status) == api.ScheduleStatusError {
{ " " }
finishes <b class="text-secondary">{ api.ScheduleStatusDownloading.String() }</b>
with <b class="text-error">{ api.ScheduleStatusError.String() }</b> of <span class="text-error">"{ schedule.ErrorMessage }"</span>.
if len(data.ScheduleHistories.Schedules) > 20 {
templ actionButton(data Data) {
<div class="xs:hidden">
func actionButtonItems(data Data) []templ.Component {
out := make([]templ.Component, 0, 2)
if len(data.ScheduleHistories.Schedules) >= int(data.Params.Limit) || data.Params.Reversed {
out = append(out, actionButtonNext(data))
if !data.IsCurrent {
out = append(out, actionButtonPrev(data))
if data.IsCurrent {
out = append(out, actionButtonRefresh())
return out
templ dateBar(data Data) {
class="flex flex-wrap justify-between my-4 items-center"
if data.IsCurrent {
<div class="tooltip" data-tip="Refresh">
class="btn btn-primary btn-outline btn-square text-base-100"
@icons.Refresh("w-6 h-6")
} else {
<div class="tooltip" data-tip="Previous">
href={ templ.SafeURL(fmt.Sprintf("/history?time=%d&direction=before", data.ScheduleHistories.GetFirstTime().Unix())) }
class="btn btn-primary btn-outline btn-square text-base-100"
@icons.ChevronBoldLeft("w-6 h-6")
if len(data.ScheduleHistories.Schedules) >= int(data.Params.Limit) || data.Params.Reversed {
<div class="tooltip" data-tip="Next">
href={ templ.SafeURL(fmt.Sprintf("/history?time=%d", data.ScheduleHistories.GetLastTime().Unix())) }
class="btn btn-primary btn-outline btn-square text-base-100 no-underline"
@icons.ChevronBoldRight("w-6 h-6")
templ actionButtonNext(data Data) {
href={ templ.SafeURL(fmt.Sprintf("/history?time=%d", data.ScheduleHistories.GetLastTime().Unix())) }
class="btn btn-ghost btn-sm no-underline m-0"
templ actionButtonPrev(data Data) {
href={ templ.SafeURL(fmt.Sprintf("/history?time=%d&direction=before", data.ScheduleHistories.GetFirstTime().Unix())) }
class="btn btn-ghost btn-sm no-underline m-0"
templ actionButtonRefresh() {
class="btn btn-ghost btn-sm no-underline m-0"
templ subredditLink(subreddit string) {
<a href={ templ.URL(fmt.Sprintf("/subreddits/details/%s", subreddit)) } class="text-primary">{ subreddit }</a>