
32 lines
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2024-11-07 20:10:13 +07:00
-- if vim.env.ZELLIJ ~= nil and not vim.g.neovide then
-- -- currently running inside zellij session and not inside neovide
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>z", function()
-- local cwd = vim.fn.expand "%:p:h"
-- vim.system {
-- "zellij",
-- "run",
-- "--close-on-exit",
-- "--cwd",
-- cwd,
-- "--in-place",
-- "--",
-- "lazygit",
-- }
-- end, { desc = "Open Lazygit (Zellij)" })
-- elseif vim.env.HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE ~= nil and vim.fn.executable "foot" == 1 then
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>z", function()
-- vim.system {
-- "hyprctl",
-- "dispatch",
-- "exec",
-- "--",
-- "foot",
-- "--app-id=lazygit",
-- "--title=lazygit",
-- "--working-directory=" .. vim.fn.getcwd(),
-- "--",
-- "lazygit",
-- }
-- end, { desc = "Open Lazygit (Foot)" })
-- end