return { "stevearc/oil.nvim", enabled = false, opts = function() -- helper function to parse output local function parse_output(proc) local result = proc:wait() local ret = {} if result.code == 0 then for line in vim.gsplit(result.stdout, "\n", { plain = true, trimempty = true }) do -- Remove trailing slash line = line:gsub("/$", "") ret[line] = true end end return ret end -- build git status cache local function new_git_status() return setmetatable({}, { __index = function(self, key) local ignore_proc = vim.system( { "git", "ls-files", "--ignored", "--exclude-standard", "--others", "--directory" }, { cwd = key, text = true, } ) local tracked_proc = vim.system({ "git", "ls-tree", "HEAD", "--name-only" }, { cwd = key, text = true, }) local ret = { ignored = parse_output(ignore_proc), tracked = parse_output(tracked_proc), } rawset(self, key, ret) return ret end, }) end local git_status = new_git_status() -- Clear git status cache on refresh local refresh = require("oil.actions").refresh local orig_refresh = refresh.callback refresh.callback = function(...) git_status = new_git_status() orig_refresh(...) end return { keymaps = { ["q"] = "actions.close", [""] = "actions.parent", ["h"] = "actions.parent", ["l"] = "", ["gv"] = { callback = function() require("oil.actions").select.callback { vertical = true } require("oil.actions").close.callback() end, desc = "Open the entry in a vertical split and close the Oil window", nowait = true, }, ["gs"] = { callback = function() require("oil.actions").select.callback { horizontal = true } require("oil.actions").close.callback() end, desc = "Open the entry in a horizontal split and close the Oil window", nowait = true, }, }, view_options = { is_hidden_file = function(name, bufnr) if vim.startswith(name, ".env") then return false end local dir = require("oil").get_current_dir(bufnr) local is_dotfile = vim.startswith(name, ".") and name ~= ".." -- if no local directory (e.g. for ssh connections), just hide dotfiles if not dir then return is_dotfile end -- dotfiles are considered hidden unless tracked if is_dotfile then return not git_status[dir].tracked[name] else -- Check if file is gitignored return git_status[dir].ignored[name] end end, }, } end, dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" }, cmd = { "Oil" }, keys = { { "-", function() require("oil").open() vim.defer_fn(function() require("oil").open_preview() end, 150) end, }, }, }