return { { "lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim", opts = { current_line_blame = true, }, }, { "aaronhallaert/advanced-git-search.nvim", cmd = { "AdvancedGitSearch" }, keys = { { "ghh", "AdvancedGitSearch search_log_content_file", desc = "Git File History" }, { "gh", "AdvancedGitSearch", desc = "Advanced Git Search" }, { "ghH", "AdvancedGitSearch", desc = "Advanced Git Search" }, { "ghl", "AdvancedGitSearch diff_commit_line", desc = "Search Commits affecting line", mode = { "v" }, }, }, config = function() -- optional: setup telescope before loading the extension require("telescope").setup { -- move this to the place where you call the telescope setup function extensions = { advanced_git_search = { -- See Config }, }, } require("telescope").load_extension "advanced_git_search" end, dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", -- to show diff splits and open commits in browser "tpope/vim-fugitive", -- to open commits in browser with fugitive "tpope/vim-rhubarb", -- optional: to replace the diff from fugitive with diffview.nvim -- (fugitive is still needed to open in browser) "sindrets/diffview.nvim", }, }, }