return { -- Show filenames in the right top most of buffer "b0o/incline.nvim", config = function() local helpers = require "incline.helpers" local devicons = require "nvim-web-devicons" require("incline").setup { window = { padding = 0, margin = { horizontal = 0 }, }, render = function(props) local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(props.buf), ":t") local ft_icon, ft_color = devicons.get_icon_color(filename) local modified =[props.buf].modified return { ft_icon and { " ", ft_icon, " ", guibg = ft_color, guifg = helpers.contrast_color(ft_color) } or "", " ", { filename, gui = modified and "bold,italic" or "bold" }, " ", guibg = "#44406e", } end, } end, -- Optional: Lazy load Incline event = "VeryLazy", }