return { "tigorlazuardi/silicon.lua", cmd = { "Silicon" }, config = function() require("silicon").setup { output = function() return ([[%s/Pictures/SILICON_%s.png]]):format(vim.env.HOME, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") end, padHoriz = 40, padVert = 50, } vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Silicon", function(ctx) local args = (ctx.fargs or {})[1] local opts = {} if args == "buffer" then opts.show_buf = true end if args == "visible" then opts.visible = true end if not ctx.bang then opts.to_clip = true end require("silicon").visualise_cmdline(opts) end, { range = 2, desc = "Create screenshot from given range. Add Bang (!) at the end of the command to save to file instead of clipboard", bang = true, nargs = "?", complete = function(arg) if not arg then return { "buffer", "visible" } end if arg:gsub(" ", "") == "" then return { "buffer", "visible" } end if string.find("buffer", arg) then return { "buffer" } end if string.find("visible", arg) then return { "visible" } end return {} end, }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "ColorScheme" }, { group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("SiliconRefresh", {}), callback = function() local silicon_utils = require "silicon.utils" silicon_utils.build_tmTheme() silicon_utils.reload_silicon_cache { async = true } end, desc = "Reload silicon themes cache on colorscheme switch", }) end, }