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2024-08-27 15:22:42 +07:00
package zen
import (
var (
// Info logs a message at level Info.
// Use this method to log basic information like "server is starting".
// To log with additional information, use the Infof or Infow methods.
// Use Infof to log with a format.
// Use Infow to log with additional json fields.
Info = zlog.Info
// Infof logs a message at level Info with format.
// msg and args are passed to fmt.Sprintf.
// Use Infow to log with additional json fields.
// Use Infow to print structs and maps since they will
// be rendered as json.
// Example:
// zen.Infof(ctx, "user '%s' logged in", user)
Infof = zlog.Infof
// Infow logs a message with additional json fields.
// Use Infow to render structs and maps as json.
// fields is an alternating key-value sequence.
// `key` must be a string type (including not alias), and `value` can be any
// serializeable type.
// wrong number of fields or non-string key will cause the misplaced
// value to be paired with `!BADKEY` key.
// failing to serialize json value will cause the value to be replaced with
// the string `!ERROR:{reason}`.
// If value implements [slog.LogValuer] interface, it will be used as log fields.
// If does not, it will look if it implements [json.Marshaler] interface and
// use it to serialize.
// Then for the last resort, use normal json.Marshal.
// Note that primitive values are already optimized and will not use heavy reflection.
// Example:
// zen.Infow(ctx, "API called without error",
// "method", request.Method,
// "path", request.URL.Path,
// "query", request.URL.Query(),
// "duration", dur,
// )
Infow = zlog.Infow
// Debug logs a message at level Debug.
// Use this method to log detailed information for debugging purposes.
// To log with additional information, use the Debugf or Debugw methods.
// Use [Debugf] to log with a format.
// Use [Debugw] to log with additional json fields.
Debug = zlog.Debug
// Debugf logs a message at level Debug with format.
// msg and args are passed to fmt.Sprintf.
// Use Debugw to log with additional json fields.
// Use Debugw to print structs and maps since they will
// be rendered as json.
// Example:
// zen.Debugf(ctx, "user '%s' logged in", user)
Debugf = zlog.Debugf
// Debugw logs a message with additional json fields.
// Use Debugw to render structs and maps as json.
// fields is an alternating key-value sequence.
// `key` must be a string type (including not alias), and `value` can be any
// serializeable type.
// wrong number of fields or non-string key will cause the misplaced
// value to be paired with `!BADKEY` key.
// failing to serialize json value will cause the value to be replaced with
// the string `!ERROR:{reason}`.
// If value implements [slog.LogValuer] interface, it will be used as log fields.
// If does not, it will look if it implements [json.Marshaler] interface and
// use it to serialize.
// Then for the last resort, use normal json.Marshal.
// Example:
// zen.Debugw(ctx, "database query",
// "query", query,
// "args", args,
// )
Debugw = zlog.Debugw
// Warn logs a message at level Warn.
// Use this method to log warnings.
// To log with additional information, use the Warnf or Warnw methods.
// Use Warnf to log with a format.
// Use Warnw to log with additional json fields.
Warn = zlog.Warn
// Warnf logs a message at level Warn with format.
// msg and args are passed to fmt.Sprintf.
// Use Warnw to log with additional json fields.
// Use Warnw to print structs and maps since they will
// be rendered as json.
// Example:
// zen.Warnf(ctx, "user '%s' logged in", user)
Warnf = zlog.Warnf
// Warnw logs a message with additional json fields.
// Use Warnw to render structs and maps as json.
// fields is an alternating key-value sequence.
// `key` must be a string type (including not alias), and `value` can be any
// serializeable type.
// wrong number of fields or non-string key will cause the misplaced
// value to be paired with `!BADKEY` key.
// failing to serialize json value will cause the value to be replaced with
// the string `!ERROR:{reason}`.
// If value implements [slog.LogValuer] interface, it will be used as log fields.
// If does not, it will look if it implements [json.Marshaler] interface and
// use it to serialize.
// Then for the last resort, use normal json.Marshal.
Warnw = zlog.Warnw
// Error logs a message at level Error.
// Use this method to log errors.
// To log with additional information, use the Errorf or Errorw methods.
// Use Errorf to log with a format.
// Use Errorw to log with additional json fields.
Error = zlog.Error
// Errorf logs a message at level Error with format.
// msg and args are passed to fmt.Sprintf.
// Use Errorw to log with additional json fields.
// Use Errorw to print structs and maps since they will
// be rendered as json.
// Example:
// zen.Errorf(ctx, "user '%s' logged in", user)
Errorf = zlog.Errorf
// Errorw logs a message with additional json fields.
// Use Errorw to render structs and maps as json.
// fields is an alternating key-value sequence.
// `key` must be a string type (including not alias), and `value` can be any
// serializeable type.
// wrong number of fields or non-string key will cause the misplaced
// value to be paired with `!BADKEY` key.
// failing to serialize json value will cause the value to be replaced with
// the string `!ERROR:{reason}`.
// If value implements [slog.LogValuer] interface, it will be used as log fields.
// If does not, it will look if it implements [json.Marshaler] interface and
// use it to serialize.
// Then for the last resort, use normal json.Marshal.
// Example:
// zlog.Errorw(ctx, "RPC Error",
// "error", err,
// "requeset", request,
// )
Errorw = zlog.Errorw
// SetDefaultLogger sets the default logger that is
// used by the package level functions.
// SetDefaultLogger is not thread-safe and should be
// called early in the startup phase of the application.
SetDefaultLogger = zlog.SetDefault