package zlog import ( "context" "io" "log/slog" "sync" "time" "" "" ) type WriteLocker interface { io.Writer sync.Locker } func WrapLocker(w io.Writer) WriteLocker { if wl, ok := w.(WriteLocker); ok { return wl } return &writeLocker{Writer: w} } type writeLocker struct { io.Writer sync.Mutex } type Log struct { level slog.Level bufPool *bufferPool jsonPool *jsonHandlerPool withAttrs []slog.Attr withGroup []string opts *slog.HandlerOptions pretty bool color bool writer WriteLocker } // Clone clones the Logger, replacing the output writer with w. // // If w is nil, the clone shares the original Logger's output writer. func (log *Log) Clone(w io.Writer) *Log { var output WriteLocker if w == nil { output = log.writer } else { output = WrapLocker(w) } withAttrs := make([]slog.Attr, len(log.withAttrs)) copy(withAttrs, log.withAttrs) withGroup := make([]string, len(log.withGroup)) copy(withGroup, log.withGroup) return &Log{ level: log.level, withAttrs: withAttrs, withGroup: withGroup, opts: log.opts, pretty: log.pretty, bufPool: newBufferPool(), jsonPool: newJsonHandlerPool(log.opts), writer: output, } } // Enabled implements the slog.Handler interface. func (lo *Log) Enabled(ctx context.Context, lvl slog.Level) bool { return lvl >= lo.level } // Handle implements the slog.Handler interface. func (lo *Log) Handle(ctx context.Context, record slog.Record) error { if !lo.pretty { j := lo.jsonPool.Get() defer j.Put() return j.Handle(ctx, record) } var levelColor *color.Color switch { case record.Level >= slog.LevelError: levelColor = color.New(color.FgRed) case record.Level >= slog.LevelWarn: levelColor = color.New(color.FgYellow) case record.Level >= slog.LevelInfo: levelColor = color.New(color.FgGreen) default: levelColor = color.New(color.FgWhite) } buf := lo.bufPool.Get() defer lo.bufPool.Put(buf) if record.PC != 0 && lo.opts.AddSource { f := frame{Caller(record.PC).Frame()} levelColor.Fprint(buf, f.ShortFile()) levelColor.Fprint(buf, ":") levelColor.Fprint(buf, f.Line) levelColor.Fprint(buf, " -- ") levelColor.Fprint(buf, f.ShortFunction()) buf.WriteByte('\n') } if !record.Time.IsZero() { const format = `[` + time.DateTime + `] ` b := record.Time.AppendFormat(nil, format) buf.Write(b) } buf.WriteByte('[') levelColor.Add(color.Bold).Fprint(buf, record.Level.String()) buf.WriteString("] ") if record.Message != "" { buf.WriteString(record.Message) } buf.WriteByte('\n') jHandler := lo.jsonPool.Get() defer jHandler.Put() _ = jHandler.Handle(ctx, record) if jHandler.buf.Len() > 3 { // Skip empty objects like "{}\n" jsonData := jHandler.buf.Bytes() jsonData = pretty.Pretty(jsonData) if lo.color { jsonData = pretty.Color(jsonData, nil) } buf.Write(jsonData) } buf.WriteByte('\n') lo.writer.Lock() defer lo.writer.Unlock() _, err := buf.WriteTo(lo.writer) return err } // WithAttrs implements the slog.Handler interface. func (lo *Log) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler { l := lo.Clone(nil) l.withAttrs = append(l.withAttrs, attrs...) return l } // WithGroup implements the slog.Handler interface. func (lo *Log) WithGroup(name string) slog.Handler { l := lo.Clone(nil) l.withGroup = append(l.withGroup, name) return l } type replaceAttrFunc = func([]string, slog.Attr) slog.Attr // wrapReplaceAttr disables adding Time, Level, Source, Message // fields when pretty mode is enabled. func (lo *Log) wrapReplaceAttr(f replaceAttrFunc) replaceAttrFunc { return func(s []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr { if !lo.pretty { return f(s, a) } switch a.Key { case slog.TimeKey, slog.LevelKey, slog.SourceKey, slog.MessageKey: return slog.Attr{} } return f(s, a) } }