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package zerr
import (
type Error interface {
// LogValue returns log fields to be consumed by logger.
LogValue() slog.Value
// Code sets error code.
Code(code connect.Code) Error
GetCode() connect.Code
// Message sets error message. It uses fmt.Sprintf to format the message.
Message(msg string, args ...any) Error
GetMessage() string
PublicMessage(msg string, args ...any) Error
GetPublicMessage() string
Caller(pc uintptr) Error
GetCaller() uintptr
// Details sets error details. It's a key-value pair where the odd index is the key and the even index is the value.
// Invalid key-value pair number and format will cause the misplaced value to be paired up with "!BADKEY".
// Example:
// err.Details(
// "key1", 12345,
// "key2", float64(12345.67),
// )
Details(fields ...any) Error
GetDetails() []any
// Time sets the error time.
// Time is already set to current when the error is created or wrapped,
// so this method is only useful when you want to set a different time.
Time(t time.Time) Error
GetTime() time.Time
// ID sets the error ID.
// ID is used to identify the error. Used by Zen to consider if an error is the same as another.
// If unset, the ID will be automatically generated depending
// on the backend logging and notification.
ID(s string, args ...any) Error
GetID() string
// Join appends given errors to this zerr.Error.
// Join discards nil errors.
// When searching for Code, Message, PublicMessage, etc,
// only the first error containing valid values will be used.
// The searching method is depth-first.
// It's undefined behavior to call Join when another thread calls
// .Sequence().Iter() on this error.
Join(errs ...error) Error
// Log logs the error to stderr.
// Format will be pretty if current runtime is run in interactive
// environment (TTY is detected), e.g. running inside terminal via `go run` command.
// Format will be JSON if current runtime does not have TTY, e.g.
// running inside Docker container, Kubernetes pod, or any non-interactive environment
// like VSCode debugger.
Log(ctx context.Context) Error
// Notify sends the error to the zen Server
// which will then handle the error and create reports.
Notify(ctx context.Context, opts ...zoptions.NotifyOption) Error
// Sequence returns the state of the error sequence.
// Sequence must not be nil.
Sequence() Sequence
// IsMulti returns true if the error is a multiple error.
IsMulti() bool
// Resolve returns error (self) if all the errors
// are valid (not nil) and Error contains at least one error
// wrapped.
Resolve() error