
130 lines
3.7 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package notify.v1;
import "notify/v1/types.proto";
message SendNotificationRequest {
Payload payload = 1;
Service service = 2;
// SendAttachmentResponse is sent when message is successful.
message SendNotificationResponse {
// notification_id is the snowflake id of the message.
// Guaranteed to be unique even on distributed environment.
// notification_id can be used in `SendAttachment` rpc to
// attach binary data to the message.
string notification_id = 1;
message Payload {
// message is the content of the notification.
// message should be short and concise since they are
// intended as forefront information.
// details should go to the `details` field.
string message = 1;
// level is the severity of the message.
// current implementation treats LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED as LEVEL_INFO,
// but it's recommended to set the level explicitly to avoid
// surprises in the future.
Level level = 2;
int64 code = 3;
// details adds context to the message.
// like invalid inputs,
// request payloads, backend response, etc.
// Anything that can enrich why this message
// appears will help.
// THIS PAYLOAD. USE `SendAttachment` rpc
// to attach binary values instead since they are designed
// for streaming. Server and Client RAM
// can be eaten alive if you ignore this predicament since GRPC
// handles via whole messages.
oneof details {
// Sends JSON as details.
// In the report page, this will be rendered with JSONGrid.
bytes d_json = 4;
// Sends text as details.
// Markdown syntax is supported and markdown will be rendered
// on the report page.
string d_text = 5;
// error is the error message that is sent.
oneof error {
// sends error details as JSON.
// like details, do not include binaries in this field.
// In the report page, this will be rendered with JSONGrid.
bytes e_json = 6;
// sends error details as text.
// Markdown syntax is supported and markdown will be rendered
// on the report page.
string e_text = 7;
// id is the unique identifier of the message.
// message with same id is considered as the same message
// even if the content is different.
string id = 8;
// trace_id is the trace id of the message.
// trace_id is used to trace the message across services.
// Leave this empty/unset if no traces are available.
string trace_id = 9;
// span_id is the span id of the message.
// span_id is used to trace the message within the service/scope.
// Leave this empty/unset if no spans are available.
string span_id = 10;
message Service {
// The name of the service that is sending the notification.
// This is used to identify the service that is sending the notification.
// The value of name should be related to the product or service.
// e.g. `sbn-frontend`, `sbn-cron-job`, `payment-frontend`, `robo-frontend`.
// `name`, `type`, and `environment` combination are used to select which channel the
// discord notification is sent.
string name = 1;
string type = 2;
Environment environment = 3;
optional string version = 4;
// domain specifies whose message this belongs to.
// It's not required to be set, but setting this field
// will help zen to categorize messages when building
// reports.
ServiceDomain domain = 5;
// attributes are informations that enriches the service.
// like Session ID, Region, User-Agent, etc.
map<string, string> attributes = 6;
enum ServiceDomain {